Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sketch Fighter Design Contest by & SPD Milan school in partnership with Scuola Politecnica di Design (Milano) launch International Sketch Fighter Contest for transport designers.
The competition is based on Cardesigncommunity standard: the participants have 1 hour to perform their task. The «Sketch Fighter SPD» will have 5 rounds with a final one which will identify the winner. On September, 9 all the works of the final round, which takes 24 hours, will be evaluated by SPD representatives.
The winner will take 100% educational grant in one of the best schools of design – Scuola Politecnica di Design (Milano), Master’s course, 2011/12. The participants who get the 2nd and 3rd places take 50% educational grant and 30% allowance for education. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

Luciano Bove Car Designer new profile on Facebook

 Dear friends,

beginning August I decided to open a new page on Facebook about my professional profile. I did it for 2 reasons the first is that not all of you or others go look around on Linkedin where I have already my professional profile, the second is because many of you ask me if I am still a car designer or other infos regarding my professional experiences.

This is normal, I write a lot about advices and tips on car design education and for some of you it is not so easy to know more about me. So who am I?

Now a new page on Facebook is open with some detailed infos about me, some links of interviews I had the pleasure to have, articles I wrote published on other sites and also photos about me on the job (naturally only stuff legally publishable) and some of my old sketches.
You will also find infos about my old design school activities as teacher and latest workshops I did.

I hope you like this initiative and I really hope you will all become fans of this page and that you will spread the word to collect as many fans as possible :)

Click here to see the page: Luciano Bove Car Designer Facebook page

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Jetsons Benz

We saw the future at an early age ... in the box! 2009.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hommage à Mercedes-Benz | EAC Photos

A few more shots from the museum. Photos by Luiz Kessler.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hommage In The House

That's right, Hommage à Mercedes-Benz a.k.a. Emotional Aerodynamics Concept along with the quarter scale models is in the Mercedes-Benz Museum in Stuttgart. Go, check them out!