Monday, November 19, 2007

Student loans, good or bad?

Today to learn and get a respectable diploma can cost quite a lot of money in US as well as in many other countries around the world.
In the Design field almost all design schools, universities and colleges are privates and have a cost. For foreign students even public schools have a cost (in my case in it was US).
There are many talents out there that would love to get in a design school, but have not enough money to enter! What to do?

In US since many years , and recently in Europe too, it is possible to borrow money from banks in order to get access to college, university or specialistic school. The student Loan.

The first question parents ask themselves is : "will it be worth?"

In a way it is like buying a small appartement paying a loan for about 10 years (depending on your contract loan).

The thought I feel to share with all the people that are in this situation and currently in front of such dilemma is: YES!
Because it is like an investment on your future, that money hopefuly will come back with the job you will get, the good school you attended to will open doors that other schools cannot simply because their political power (lobby) is not enough developed.

Design is expensive to learn and it is right that a young talent tries his best to solve the economical problem in order to start school.
In some countries and in some design schools it is also possible to get money from government or local institutions in relation with family income (the lower the easier..)

In conclusion if you can apply for a loan do it, if you do not feel like then get all info to know how to do to apply for Grants or scolarships to see if you can be part of these programs.