Friday, April 4, 2008

MINI Design Award 2008, Milano Italy

The 4th edition of the Mini Design Award contest is open to all designers with the theme 'Giving value to water'. The event will be promoted at the next Milano Design Week which takes place on 15-21 April 2008.

Designers can register and submit their work to within 10 July 2008.
  • Theme: “Il futuro della città: l’ambiente. Dare valore all’acqua.” ("The Future of the City: the environment - giving value to water")
  • 15-21 aprile 2008
  • Opening times: 10:30-22:30
  • Triennale di Milano e Triennale Design Museum - Viale Alemagna 6
Organized by: MINI, IED Milano, ADI (Associazione Disegno Industriale)

Info and Image Via: Carbodydesign