I think it is important to come back on the Art Center issue after what is happening on-line with the petition, the LA Times wrote an excellent article that explaines really well what happened and what students are asking for.
So for those that are interested and did not read here a small part of it:
Dissension at Art Center College of Design
Some students and alumni want money to go toward education and scholarships, not new buildings.
Concerned that Art Center College of Design is putting too much money and energy into expanding its campus and promoting itself to outsiders -- and not enough into scholarships and instruction -- hundreds of students and alumni of the elite private college in Pasadena are petitioning its trustees to suspend plans for a $50-million building by Frank Gehry.Art Center graduates have been weighing in over the Internet from as far away as France and South Korea, adding their names and comments to the "Education First!" petition that some students posted on the Web.
Art Center Petition: Education First
The rest of article you will find here:
New article today 12 June: http://blogs.laweekly.com/ladaily/arts-news/controversy-surrounds-yet-anot/
New article toda 12 June: http://www.pasadenastarnews.com/ci_9546872