Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ted Youngkin is dead, loss of a great man and ACCD teacher

Hi friends,

Ted Youngkin died yesterday (a recent photo: in his home working). The hard teacher, the one always said the truth on your face, some time rude, but very honest. Clear and highly professional in teaching Drawing and Design in ACCD Pasadena .

I had Ted as teacher in 1986 and, even if not of an easy person, he gave me the right vision of how a designer should be structured on his Drawing and Design method. He looked severe , but he was a real good man, he gave us lessons about Drawing and about life, his stories were small examples of real life professional situations and helped us to understand what would have been life after ACCD school time.
When I started to teach in design schools often I would think of him and his method, often I would try to apply his method in my classes.
Ted was very devoted and engaged to ACCD to ensure a high level of quality education, a hard worker that the american Design Education will sure miss a lot.

From Fred Fehlau Dean, Academic Affairs ACCD

"One of Art Center’s most highly revered, and sometimes feared, instructors. Born in Hawarden, Iowa, Ted first studied at the Chicago Art Institute and then graduated with a degree in Product Design from Art Center in 1954. "

From James Gourney Illustrator (ACCD)

"On the way up Highway 101 yesterday, we decided on a whim to try and visit Ted Youngkin, our favorite art teacher, who taught us everything we know about perspective (and a lot more that we’ve forgotten). I think of him every time I do a drawing."

Read the full story "Ted Youngkin in Perspective" written by James clicking here

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