Hi friends,
for many of you this is going to be your last year of school. You will finally get your diploma and be ready for job interviews with the support of your portfolio.
It is not a case that the photo of my post today is a "portfolio case";in fact I would like to remember that to obtain a great outstanding series of projects you must work hard during this last year.
The final year is the most important one, you will put together the technical experience gained during your first years and also your personal Design philosophy that you are forming in your head since the beginning of this adventure.
You will have the chance to make several important projects and some sponsorized, it is an opportunity not to miss. Take care of all your sketches, illustrations, sketch-books, take photos of your models, start thinking how you would like to present all this at the end of the year. How is going to be your portfolio? Too soon to give an answear, but start thinking about it. This idea has to follow you for about 6 or 7 months untill you will really start thinking about packaging your "book".It is going to be a part of your "image".
Another important aspect to take care of is your CV and the English TOEIC Test level (in Europe a young designer must have a score of at least 700 points). Many car companies do not hire if you do not have a high TOEIC score, so start searching for info (you can get it on the net, but also in my "articles").
Good start and good luck!