Thursday, July 14, 2011

SPD Master in Transportation Design in partnership with Volkswagen Group

 Dear friends,
I am happy to inform you about SPD design school in Milan Italy Master in Transportation Design with Volkswagen Group partnership offering this time tuition to most talented candidates.
Starting in October 2011 the Master program will be offered by VW Group to best candidates.

SPD and Volkswagen Group are pushing further with their educational partnership and for the next edition of the Master will make available tuition waivers to candidates with high potential. The selection is open to candidates holding a degree in transportation or car design, automotive engineering or equivalent and it is based on a motivational interview, on the evaluation of the portfolio and the submission of a conceptual project assignement. The election process will be conducted jointly by SPD and VW.
Walter De Silva VP Director VW Group and Antonello Fusetti SPD school director

To get all infos about rules and how to apply please click: SPD Master VW 2011/2012