Hi to all of you, it is very sad to write my first post after vacation about Big Luciano's death.
I was flying yesterday back from Italy after about four weeks of inactivity, looking at the blu sky I was thinking to download on my PC all photos and videos I have done for my family but also for my blog for all of you that everyday come back to watch what I have to propose (by the way, thanks for your presence even if in agoust I really did not do much...). I was thinking how to organize the all thing and happy to restart..so this morning I turned on my PC to read the news..the rest is already known.
It has been like if suddenly there was no electricity in the house, or when my old Renault 4 decides to live me on the road without any explanation, or for an unknown reason your PC, TV, Ipod..stop to work! STOP!BLACK! That is it! Silence...just pure silence. Then ,like magic, feeling Big Luciano's emotions, those that each one of us at least one time in life had the pleasure to feel listening to his voice, talent, art.
Now the sky owns Luciano and his art, he is gone with the wind and everytime we will be watching the sunshine or the moonlight we will see his smile and eyes and we will hear him singing.
Sure I could have ignored this sad event concentrating on my usual topics, but believe me I couldn't.