Thursday, September 20, 2007
Nabaztag a rabbit as friend!
More then 100.000 sold worldwide, in France it covers already more then 40% of the market at a price average of 135 Euros....who has it is very enthusiastic about...this is an honest introduction to NABAZTAG the wifi smart rabbit gadget that interacts with his human friend!
Nabaztag is kept alive thanks to Internet connection, this rabbit moves ears, talks and signals with lights. Created by Violet, a french company, in 2005 Nabaztag started to enter in people's house interacting with humans. In 2007 a new generation of Smart Rabbits with an higher degree of interactivity and intelligence.
Some of its info/actions are: Meteo,Air pollution,Stock Exchange,reads your preferred online journals or blogs,e-mail alert,alarm clock...
Do you have one? Please share with us your impressions.
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