Monday, April 28, 2008

Her a particular ergonomic chair, Milan 2008

"Her" is a chair created by Fabio Novembre and produced by "Casamania by Frezza", in expo at the International Furniture show Milan 2008.
Photo and news Via Designbuzz

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Artists sketch-book gallery, Paris

In Paris, France, there is an Art sketch-book show dedicated to all sort of artists, writers, photographs, illustrators, designers, architects from different countries.

Here an example by Suncica Perisin Tomljanovic, artist from Croatia, born in '83.

Image and news Via

Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Automotive Designers Show, Milan 2009

The Automotive Designers Show will take place at the Milano Convention Centre on 7-8-9 April 2009 and will incorporate both an exhibition and a conference.

read more digg story

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Philippe Starck says : Design is dead! True?

Philippe Starck recently admitted that for him Design is dead and decided to quit this discipline because of its material and not useful role in society. And he aplogizes for what he has designed and produced during those past years, he says that all he has done is not useful and Design therefore is dead...simply not important!

Reading this statement by Starck I cannot stay in silence, I want to speak out all my disagreement as designer and human being.

First question in my mind is: what is Design? Yes, what is it? Is it "style" or more than that? I believe that Starcks's artistic expression is mostly "style" therefore not so useful. If he thinks the same I gree with him, but let me tell you that Design ( with the big "D") is serious stuff, society specially today needs good Design in every domaine to get things better more useful more performing to help everybody life to be a better one and for all (and not only for those that have money to show the point?).

To be a designer you go through sacrifices in school, internships, companies, freelancing, analyzing projects and innovating to improuve beauty and use. Design is a complex part of life, it is a projects that has to be in balance with your soul the needs the economic aspects the industry the market the potential client day-life.
When we design a car or an object or a motobyke (you have done one for Aprilia, but it was a sculpture not really useful to ride) or a bag or a furniture we contribute to improuve Quality, Cost efficiency, Timing, and we do all this thanks to our "Creativity" married to all those "cold" but important needs. We are able to provoke "Emotions", but also new efficient products for an easier use. Believe me I could go on and on...talking about old people needs, ergonomic issues, kids life, kitchen tools, handycapped people...

So Mr Philippe Starck you think that you must excuse yourself? Do it, but just for your case!

As a designer I don't! I am proud of being a designer and having changed my life at the age of 19 to hope to become one. I have been happy even when I started my first project that was a simple wheel plastic cup for a car in Italy. Today I see cars I have managed at work and estimate the success given by their beauty but mostly by all the smart solutions that those cars have (in Interior for example..), I see their prices under control without Design soffering of it. This is Design to cost, it is hard but rewarding when the product is coherent and well accepted and loved by clients. You know how many young good designers are behind those projects? Thanks to Design I learned how to use my cretaivity in an intelligent way putting it to the service of the good cause.

Design with the big "D" is not dead, it is alive and it will always be! It all depends how we interpretate this magic word. To be an artist, even e good one, does not mean to be automaticly a designer...most of the times it means only to be a good artist.

With all my respect,

Luciano Bove

Photo via

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Marabù tables by Alessandro Loschiavo, Milan 2008

Marabù tables at the Milan International Furniture Show 2008. This is a creation by italian designer Alessandro Loschiavo for Maoli Company. Inspiration comes from Nature and its materials.
Source Designerblog

Monday, April 7, 2008

VDA Design Award 2008 - Transport efficiency 2020

The task set by the competition is "to produce concepts and to design visionary solutions for commercial vehicles in all segments of future freight transport by road."...continue reading...

read more digg story

Friday, April 4, 2008

MINI Design Award 2008, Milano Italy

The 4th edition of the Mini Design Award contest is open to all designers with the theme 'Giving value to water'. The event will be promoted at the next Milano Design Week which takes place on 15-21 April 2008.

Designers can register and submit their work to within 10 July 2008.
  • Theme: “Il futuro della città: l’ambiente. Dare valore all’acqua.” ("The Future of the City: the environment - giving value to water")
  • 15-21 aprile 2008
  • Opening times: 10:30-22:30
  • Triennale di Milano e Triennale Design Museum - Viale Alemagna 6
Organized by: MINI, IED Milano, ADI (Associazione Disegno Industriale)

Info and Image Via: Carbodydesign

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Milano Furniture show 2008 starts!

Roderick Vos is the designer author of this turning carousel book shelf, the model will be at the "Milano salone del mobile 2008" in april.
This product has been done for "Linteloo".

Info Salone del mobile Milano 2008 at

Foto and info Via

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Lego MP3 player gadget

Gadgets again...yes and this time someone thought of kids world to get a cool inspiration to make an MP3 player a "Lego" one, two Lego bricks with classical bright colors.

It is not fact there are other music gadgets inspired by Lego, discover them at: audioporncentral