Thursday, January 29, 2009

7th L'Argus Student Competition Awards

The 7th L’argus de l’automobile design competition awards ceremony was held at the Eiffel Tower on the evening of Wednesday 21 January 2009. Damien Grossemy, Thibaut Dereymacker and Maxime Dimarcq were the winners with their “link” concept for a car pool system based on car-sharing in self-service access.
The mission was « Invent a vehicle that is useful for Society », thanks to their projects they won 3 000 euros awarded by L’argus, and the opportunity to do an internship at the Technocentre Renault.
For more info et pics go to ConceptCar Blog

Monday, January 26, 2009

Car sketches by Max Shershnev

Max graduated from Smolensk State Institute of Arts and recently had the opportunity to win an internship at Renault Design Central Europe (Romania).
His work is well made, strong passion and drawing skills. I am sure that Max keeping on improving will soon start to try sketching new things and styles to get to know his limits. At the same time he will get better in using and exploiting better his creativity.
His personal blog with nice stuff is:

Friday, January 23, 2009

"CUT" heating system by Alessandro Canepa

Finally a heating system that has in its Design both fonctional and aesthetic qualities. The italian designer Alessandro Canepa , inspired by artist Lucio Fontana, designed and realized the "CUT" line heating system that integrates perfectly with classic and modern interior architecture.
The CUT element belongs to the Caleido Fine Design Collection.

Photo and info via :

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Auto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009 /BMW, Ford and Mercedes finalists

Auto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009/ BMW finalists
Auto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009/ Ford finalists
Auto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009/ Mercedes finalistsScanned from the magazine.
Just noticed that I got an additional 3rd palce with the S. Hurray.

Art Center Summit 2009- Expanding the Vision of Sustainable Mobility

Join an international group of influential thinkers, industry executives, government leaders and entrepreneurs to explore how industries outside of the transportation and mobility fields approach sustainable mobility—and what their fresh, often unexpected perspectives can bring to the table.

When and where:

February 17-19, 2009
Pasadena Convention Center
Pasadena, CA


Dave Muyres
Summit DirectorVice President,
Educational Initiatives,
Art Center College of Design

Heidrun Mumper-Drumm
Summit Co-DirectorGraphic Designer;
Adjunct Associate Professor,
Art Center College of Design

Geoff Wardle
Summit Co-DirectorDirector,
Advanced Mobility Research,
Art Center College of Design

For more info please go to the following link:

Next Generation BMW 6er

BMW 6er So finally I made it, I won this category. The prize is a visit to BMW. Can't wait ...
Here's a scan from the Auto Zeitung.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Ford GT by Camilo Pardo

Camilo Pardo is a designer that worked for Ford for about 24 years, extremely talented he is the man behind the Ford GT concept and production car. Camilo is also an artist and well recongnized too. When he lived in Torino (the time at Ford Ghia) looks like he rented a big loft just to paint his masterpieces.
The illustration technique is really high, very transportation mood and artistic too. Great reference to students...
Images from Camillo Pardo web site

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Alfa Romeo 169

Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169
Alfa Romeo 169My entry for the Auto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009/ Alfa Romeo 169 category. Check out the winners for the Alfa category here.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Photography in B&W: Monica Bellucci

Some times we have to feed our creativity with different references. Artistic Photography is very good to get inspiration from just like this photo of the italian actress Monica Bellucci.

Image via Photo celebrities

Friday, January 9, 2009

Clay modelling a video tutorial by Design at Bradford

In this video you will see what I have learned back in school about clay modelling, this video is also related to my post about the importance of clay model learning in Car Design activities.

Video from

Clay model and its importance in Transportation Design schools.

Hi friends,

today I would like to touch a bit the clay modelling activities in a Design school and its real importance. Why? Simply because since a period of time I visit schools, I see portfolios, I see young new designers working and I do not see the "feeling" of the form. "Volume" sensitivity is something that I developed in school (ACCD, Pasadena 86/89) long ago and that kept growing in me while working everyday as designer.
There is a critical step in any Design process which is when 2D work becomes a 3D model, in that phase of our project new tridimensional problems come out and need to be solved quickly. How to do? My answear or tip is that if in school you learned to shape clay scale models you will be fine. Instead, if you belong to those that in school do not learn how to work with clay but work a lot with Photoshop...well in this case you will have problems and you will need more time to overcome the difficulties.

To drag your hand on a particular clay model section surface (ex: side body and front hood) gives you the "feeling" of the form evolution, it gives you the drive of shaping that volume to give it "grace and elegance" or "sculpted concave effects" for a more nervous signature, create a new "bone line" and add character to the side reflection (with Dynock skin application).

This sort of emotions are very important because they should be part of any car designer, for this reason I suggest to all of you to work with clay as much as you can in school as well at home . To know how to control volumes, shapes and forms is one of the most important conditions to become a good designer.

Good luck!

Photo via

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mercedes S-Klasse

Mercedes S-ClassAuto Zeitung Design-Trophy 2009 entry.

Car rendering tutorial in Photoshop by Harald Belker

This is a great tutorial to follow, lots of detailing and magic effects for a realistic dramatic effect. Good composition and control of the media. Made in Photoshop by Harald Belker.

Video from

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

BriefCeramiCase by Stasinoupulos

Alexandros Stasinoupulos designed and realized this briefcase using a special ceramic material that gives to its creation a very compact high quality perception and also a real functional protection effect. The BRIEFCeramiCASE.
We could say that the quality detail of this design is very close to a concept car design, the blend between semirigid material (the leather) and the rigid one (the ceramic) is well done thanks also to the color choice taste.
Alexandros Stasinoupulos , with this project, has won the International Forum Design 2008.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Classic

BMW 2002 TurboBMW 2002 Turbo. I got a higher resolution if interested ...

Friday, January 2, 2009


2015 BMW M6 ConceptSome 3D progress plus PS touch-up ...