Thursday, October 29, 2009

City transportation by David Day Lee

David Day Lee is a transportation design student at Art Center College of Design in Pasadena USA.
I checked out his personal blog David Day Lee Design and I discovered a strong talent in creativity as well as in techniques, here two examples of David's design proposal for next city transportation systems.
Here, instead, one of his illustrations just to give you an idea of his skills and talent. Go visit his blog and see more.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Citycar by Fabien Delval

Fabien Delval is a professional car designer and manager in automotive industry based in Lyon France. He has a blog full of his works and I decided to publish this citycar project proposal because it is very professionally done: good drawing basics like perspective - line work-proportions-body riflections-good details-great focal point on front left light area-cool design-credible creativity-good control of digital technique with no excess-good form language.

This is Fabien's description of his proposal "(2008) Just a little car to make a kind of blend between freshly introduced Tata Nano and Apple's simplicity values. In fact, this apparently inoffensive car hides a certain innovative potential, but this is another story... "

Check his portfolio clicking Waldezign's Area

Thursday, October 15, 2009

EcoDesign ring by Linda Schailon

Linda Schailon designed this "eco ring" made of recyclable plastic straws, this is a brilliant idea because changing type of straws we can get millions of color and style combinations.
It is possible to buy this eco ring visiting the site where you will find seven types of ring collections.

Designer Linda Schailon 2009 project Milan, Italy


Monday, October 12, 2009

Concept ships art by Randall

Great work by Randall, this is a typical Space Ship concept work. We can find a lot of works like this one on bu mainly at Concept Ships Concepts click and check it you'll love it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Car sketch tutorial: rear view perspective

In this video tutorial you will find out how to start a nice car sketch in 3/4 rear view, the method used by the author is a bit different from what I learned in school (we used to start always by drawing the wheels and the base of the car); in fact, the author starts by defining a part of the rear volume and some details first to get the right proportions and perspective.At the same time he does draw the center section to manage the proportions control.
The result is not bad at all and, the objective of this video tutorial is "a good car sketch done free hand". The digital program used is Paint which I like very much for the realistic effect drawing on the tablette.

Sorce Style4Cars

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Advanced Automotive Design Conference TUDelft

The Advanced Automotive Design Conference is underway in Delft University Holland. Speakers are ex students of that university became important car design managers today and they are:
Adrian Van Hooydonk (BMW), Lowie Vermeersch (Pininfarina), Fedde TalsmaWouter Kets (Audi), Sarkis Benliyan (Mercedes), Ramon Ginah (Alfa Romeo), Doeke de Walle (Pininfarina), Bart van Lotringen (DAF), Bart Janssen Groesbeek (Ducati).

To watch the conference video click video conference link

Source: Carbodydesign, Virtualcar